torsdag 6. januar 2011

- Muslimske kvinner bør kreve egne svømmehaller

Etter utspillet til Arbeiderpartiets Ivar Kristensen er det sikkert mange som lurer på om muslimske kvinner har lov til å bade sammen med andre, eller om Kristensen & co. vil stenge Risenga svømmehall slik at de muslimske kvinnene kan bade i fred.

En autoritativ kilde innen islam, Sheikh Faisal Mawlawi, nestleder i det europeiske rådet for fatwa og forskning, svarer dette på spørsmålet om det er halal (tillatt) for muslimske jenter og kvinner å bade og svømme i offentlige svømmehaller og bassenger uansett antrekk (svaret ble avgitt på engelsk, og blir her gjengitt i sin helhet:

Wa`alykum As-Salamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Giving the fact that such swimming pool involves opposite sexes, and with the fact no one can conceive that there exists swimming suits for women that do not stick to their bodies when they get wet and cover all their bodies save the face and hands, then the original rule that women are not permitted to swim in public swimming pools is still in effect.

Muslim women in Western countries should demand separate swimming pools for women
(min utheving). They have succeeded in this in some German cities where separate swimming pools have been designed for women at specific times.
Therefore, in all Western countries, Muslim women should ask for this. If this demand was not achieved, a Muslim woman is not allowed to swim in public and mixed swimming pools.
It becomes crystal clear that a Muslim woman isn’t allowed to swim in public and mixed swimming pools, while she can swim in a women-only swimming pool where men are not allowed.

Sheikh Ahmed Kutty, seniorforeleser og muslimsk skriftlærd ved Islamsk Institutt i Toronto i Canada, legger til:
So long as you’re swimming with women and wearing clothes that cover your `Awrah properly, you’re allowed to do so. It goes without saying that Islam does not allow men and women swimming together, hence the issue of public swimming pool for both men and women is totally rejected in Islam.

mUslim women swimsuit,modest yet chic!! Pictures, Images and Photos

1 kommentar:

  1. Hvorfor skal man ta sånt seriøst? De kan bygge sin egen burka badeland
